Optimo Light took part in Go to Brand Dubai 2020 competition. The aim of the Go to Brand – EXPO 2020 competition is to provide funding for promoting product brands on foreign markets. We were informed about the results of the competition and about the fact that we were granted the funds on the 8th of July 2021, and the fair was to begin on the 12th of September 2021. We didn’t have much time to prepare for such a prestigious fair taking into account the abundance of work we had to put, which is connected with the character and the advanced technology of our product. However, our team did its best so that we could present our company in UAE in the best possible light. From the 12th to 15th of September 2021 we presented our products and solutions during the BIG5 fair in Dubai. Our stand attracted great attention and enjoyed much popularity, we have gained many business contacts not only from UAE but also from Saudi Arabia. We conducted a lot of interesting business talks and received many words of appreciation as well as proposals of cooperation. On the 6th to 7th of December, our team visited Dubai again in order to take part in Polish – Arab Economic Forum, in B2B meetings with potential business partners and to visit the EXPO 2020 Dubai.
We hope that our innovative solutions and products will become a recognizable brand on foreign markets, and our visit in Dubai will result in cooperation with countries in the Persian Gulf region. The funding we have received from the Polish Agency for Enterprise and Development under sub-measure 3.3.3. was 75% of the total project amount. We allocated the granted funds for the participation in trade fairs, exhibitions or conferences abroad and for additional promotional activities related to the participation in EXPO 2020 in Dubai, as well as for financing the costs of advisory services regarding the preparation of our company for the entry on the market of countries the Persian Gulf region (Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, United Arab Emirates).